7th Math Linksmrs. Colville's Math Class

Common Core Math Grade 7 - The Number System: Standards. View Lessons (12) Remedial Life Science. View Lessons (208).

  1. Mathematics Question Database. For K-12 kids, teachers and parents. Grade 7 Math Skills Practice: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade.
  2. Math Central is an Internet service for mathematics teachers and students from kindergarten to grade twelve. Included on the site is information about different mathematics careers, a question-and-answer forum, and a monthly mathematics problem.

First in Math is a fun, challenging program offered to all students at Indian Hill. Every student at Indian Hill has a First In Math User ID and password. If you are in my math class and you have misplaced your user name and password, please see me and I will give you yours. If your child has not played First in Math at home yet, I encourage you to have them play. It is a great review of basic facts and KNOW AND SHOW section offers a nice review for state testing. Below is a description of the program from the website.

The backbone of the First In Math® Online Program is the 24® GAME—a classroom staple since 1988. Online games range from Addition to multi-step Algebra, and are organized into SKILL SETS®. Each Skill Set is comprised of three sequential 24 Games, labeled 1, 2 and 3. Each game builds upon the skills acquired in previous games.
A Pre-test/Post-test module called JUST THE FACTS records each student’s proficiency with basic facts, so you will never have to check another fact sheet! Includes assessment of each student’s skill improvement.
Three KNOW & SHOW modules provide a unique way for students to experience the type of problems found in standardized tests. Students solve problems from nine categories that tie to national standards.
WORKOUT GYMS build automaticity with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts, and progress to include fractions, decimals and integers.
After completing certain Skill Set requirements, students can play BONUS GAMES. Serving as incentives that encourage students to continue to achieve, these games offer various types of skill-building activities, such as sequencing and working with tens. Bonus Games are targeted to skills students need to master at each grade level, based on national standards.
MEASUREMENT WORLD showcases games and activities that focus on Money, Time, Length, Distance, Area, Volume and Weights.

Print your 7th grade math test before you start. Then try to answer all the questions.

Name ____________________ Date:___________________

Solve the following problems

a. 36 × 3-14 =
A. 320B. 314C. 3-8D. 38
|8 - 3| - | 5 - 12| =
A. -2 B. 2 C. 0 D. 5
a. 200000000000 in scientific notation is
A. 2 × 10-11B. 2 × 311C. 2 × 1012D. 2 × 1011
b. 4 × 10-6 in standard notation is
A. 0.004 B. 0.000042 C. 0.000004 D. 0.00004
a. Which number is irrational?
A. √(49) B. 1/3 C. √(6) D. 0
b. If x = 4, 6 √(x) = ___________
a. Which property is illustrated below?
x × ( 2 + 5) = x × 2 + x × 5
A. commutative property of addition B. Distributive property C. Math Distributive property of multiplication D. Multiplicative inverse
b. (122 + x)× 1 = 122 + x is an example of
A. Identity property B. Distributive property of multiplication C. Identity property of addition D. Identity property of multiplication
You buy a computer for 500 USD. There is a 20% discount and a 6% sales tax. How much money to you pay? ___________
If x = 2 and y = 5, the value of x2y + 4x =
A. 28 B. -5 C. 20 D. 62
Graph (2, 6) and ( -1, 0) on the coordinate system and find the slope using m = rise / run
Throw a coin twice.
a. Show all different outcomes
b. What is the probability of getting heads twice? ____________
Find the inequality below and then solve it ____________
x + 5 = 2
2 + 0 = 2
3x + 2 > 11
4x + 9
David buys a computer that cost 288 dollars. The manager decided to deduct one-fourth ( 1/4 ) of the sales price
Which expression is an approximation of what David pays after the deduction?
A. 300 × 0.25 B. 300 × 0.025 C. 300 - 300 × 0.25 D. 300 + 300 × 0.25
Simplify ( 25 × 4

7th Math Linksmrs. Colville's Math Class 9

10 × 65) / ( 23 × 410 × 66)
A. 4/8 B. 1/3 C. 1 D. 2/3
Find the length of x ________________

Put the following equation in slope-intercept form. Then identify the slope and they-intercept
5 + y = 4x
Slope-intercept form _________________
Slope _______________
y-intercept _______________
x% of 120 is 36. What is x? ______________
What is the measure of angle x? _________

A box has the following dimensions
length = 6 cm, width = 8 cm, and height = 3 cm
The volume and surface area are :
A. V = 144 cm3 and SA = 180 cm2B. V = 144 cm3 and SA = 110 cm2C. V = 120 cm3 and SA = 180 cm2D. V = 164 cm3 and SA = 174 cm2
Solve for x.
-4x + 5 = 29
If you car can take you 85 miles away with 5 gallons of gas. How many gallons do you need to go 2035 miles away?
The sum of two consecutive even numbers is 42. What are the two numbers? ( Hint: Let the numbers be 2n and 2n +2)
Note: A score of 16 or more on this 7th grade math test is a good indication that most skills taught in 7th grade were mastered
If you struggled a lot on this 7th grade math test, get someone to help you
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I tried my best to make this 7th grade math test in line with the national standards
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