Mac Is Bad Hotlinemac Is Bad

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Pro (for)
Con (against)
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Mac Is Bad Hotlinemac Is Bad
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Voting Style:OpenPoint System:7 Point
Updated:12 years agoStatus:Voting Period
Viewed:5,518 timesDebate No:3311
Comments (9)


Mac computers are so much better than pc's. It is even blooming in the business of computers. You get much less viruses and they last a lot longer than a gateway. Mac is Blooming.


Firstly, I would like to make some clarifications on the premise of this debate before I begin with my main arguments.
The premise is 'Mac Computers Good or Bad'
I am forced to explain the reasoning my opponent may have had in making this, as it is not a proper proposition, and I hope he does not contest my new version of the proposition I will- well, propose to him. It will change nothing but clarification.
He claims 'Mac Computers Good or Bad' nor 'Mac Computers are Good or Bad', it is clear is is not arguing that they are either good or bad and that con should have to argue that they are neither good or bad. I believe he intended something of the sort of 'Mac Computers: Good or Bad?', in which case pro would argue that they were good, and con would argue that they are bad. Unfortunately, this is still not a declarative sentence required for a debate of this nature. Pro further argues that macs are better than PC's, so it is clear that his main intention is to argue that PC's are better than macs.
SO THEN, if this is entirely uncontested, I ask that we both accept the new premise 'Mac computers are preferable to PC computers.' as this appears to be the main point of the debate.
Now to more important matters, before I make any of my main arguments I must make some rebuttals.
While macs may be 'blooming', they are by far not more popular than PC's right now.
While it is true that mac's might get less viruses, macs have several other problems that impede their workablity. There are more PC's than simply the gateway brand, and I feel that you are simply arguing from personal experiance. In my experiance, if you use the correct parts, a PC can last quite a long time and do very well.
The PC is very popular. This is a benefit of the PC's to begin with. While this might initially sound like an ad populum argument, there is a valid reason why popularity would make it good, at least in comparison to a mac. Compatibility. You can go to just about any business, and know that it will have some sort of windows operating system for their employers. You know that windows files will run on their system. While this may have some consequences, like viruses, for people who know what they are doing with their computers these problems are null and void.
Macs cost more, and there is less freedom to buy new materials. You need to buy pre approved mac materials for macs, whereas with the PC, you simply can use any component that will fit into your motherboard.
Macs focus more on looks than productivity, macs look very cool but in general, I find them to be less productive than PC's.
Macs can not play many games without running windows software behind them.
I will expand on all of these arguments later if needed, of course. I'm being very brief right now.


Macs are better than PC's because:
1. The operating system is far more user friendly.
2. Viruses are not a worry on the Mac operating system.
3. The Mac operating system will run equally well on all current Macs, whereas Vista only will run with all its features on the highest-end computers.
4. The Mac operating system has only one version (with all features). The Vista operating system comes with a confusing choice of versions. The user has a hard time knowing what they need, or what will run on his or her computer well.
5. Software for the Mac is more bug-free and slick than the average PC program.
6. Mac hardware and software are guaranteed to work together well, since Apple makes both. PC's often have conflicts between hardware and software, such as missing or outdated drivers.
7. Macs can run Windows using Parallels or VMware if access to a particular PC-only program is necessary, so they offer the best of both worlds.
8. The cost-for-feature differential between Macs and PC's largely has disappeared.
Macs are better than PC's because:
1. I would disagree that it was more user friendly, rather, it looks better. Macs sacrifice productivity for looks, which doesn't do well when a great deal of computers are used for real work. OSX is a network administrators nightmare.
2. The only reason why viruses are not a problem is because OSX is not popular enough for people to worry about writing viruses for it. This simply reiterates the fact that PC's are more popular.
3. Really, will OSx work on the apple II? What about the older computers? I'm going to think that's a no. For the mac computers, you would have to buy a whole new computer to upgrade it to be OSX compatible. For the PC's, you can easily upgrade for a much cheaper price than you could for the mac.
4. The PC allows users to choose exactly what they want. PC's are about the freedom of choice, while macs are about doing what you are told. The famous 1984 mac commercial is ironic, considering for macs, you must do exactly as you are told as far as what hardware to get, where to buy it from, ETC ETC. The PC's are fully customizable, from the ability to decide what you want and what price you should use for the software, to deciding exactly what hardware you need. For people who have any knowledge of computers, PC's are clearly superior.
5. Software for the PC is not generally very buggy. Third party software can, sometimes, be buggy- however, mac's lack this simply because it lacks a great deal of third party software.
6. Hardware and software sometimes do have issues, but this is a hidden good. The hardware on a PC is fully upgradable, changeable, ETC. You can easily find third party software, as well as other software you might want.
7. PC's can set up Virtual Machines as well, there are ways to duel boot /VM into OSX, All of the linux kernels, and all of the windows operating systems, DOS, etc etc.
8. However it still exists and is noticeable, especially when you compare building your own PC to buying your own mac.
1. I would challenge the statement that Macs sacrifice productivity for looks. In fact, the productivity of the Mac is enhance because the user is able to work without the computer getting in the way. Intuitive interfaces allow the user to accomplish tasks quickly without distraction. Good looks are not a liability. In fact, Windows Vista essentially has tried to emulate the appearance of OSX.
2. It is true that no operating system is immune to viruses. However, the absence of viruses on the Mac stems from much more that the larger installed PC base. The Mac OS operating system is inherently more secure because it was built in the era of computer viruses. Windows was conceived before viruses became the major threat that they are now, and has been playing catchup all along. A great example is first release of Windows XP, which came installed with the firewall disabled by default, guaranteeing that any machine turned on and connected to the Internet would become infested with viruses and worms within hours.
3. I run OS X TIger with ALL of its features on Macs dating to 2000. I think that no one could state legitimately that Windows Vista would run on a PC from 2000, even with all of its eye candy turned off.
4. There is absolutely no shortage of software to run on the Mac. Saying so is one of the most misleading statements that PC users have been making for years. For highly specialized software that is PC only, the Mac offers the best of both worlds: running Windows as a virtual machine.
5. Macs are far superior to PC's as machines for the average consumer. While the tech-saavy user can build a custom PC, the vast majority of users have no interest in such an endeavor. Macs simply work.


DucoNihilum forfeited this round.
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Mac Is Bad Hotlinemac Is Bad Credit Score

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Mac Is Bad Hotlinemac Is Bad For You

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Mac Is Bad Hotlinemac Is Bad Enough

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Mac Is Bad Hotlinemac Is Bad Credit

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