Rest Api Tool For Mac

This section describes the first steps needed in order to use the API.If you are new to REST APIs please read the About REST section first.

  1. Rest Api Tester Macos
  2. Rest Api Tool For Mac Shortcut
  3. Rest Api Tool For Macbook
Rest Api Tool For Mac

REST-API client¶

AlertSite API monitoring and testing tool that allows you to create tests and instant alerts by clicking on elements on your site or application. Postman Simple and powerful REST-based API monitor used by over 10 million developers. API Fortress Allows for both on-site and on-premise solutions. This standards-based REST API lets you automate tasks across developer tools, such as App Store Connect, Xcode, and Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, to give you greater flexibility and increased efficiency in your workflows. Use it for development, beta testing, managing app metadata, reporting, and more. It looks like a great tool to generate cURL commands as well as Ruby code, and the S3 integration looks very useful. I agree that $20 looks a little pricy at first, but if you develop/use REST APIs everyday, then this is cheap for a good tool that saves you time.

The only tool needed in this section is a browser with a REST-API client add-on to access the API. This document doesn’t cover the API access through a programming language since everybody may have its favorite language.

There are various free clients available; please pick one for your favourite browser in the browser add-on section.

In the following steps Postman for Chrome from the Google Webstore will be used.For Firefox the REST Client is another popular client.

Find your gateway¶

As first step the gateway IP address and port must be found.

This could be achieved by doing a GET request to

The response body shows that the gateway has the IP address and the APIis reachable through port 8080.


If the above request doesn’t work, there are several other ways to find the gateway IP address as described in Discovery.

Acquire an API key¶

Any client that wants to access the API must provide a valid API key otherwise the access will fail.

To acquire an API key send a POST request to /api as follows. Use the IP address and the port of your gateway that you got during discovery.


The request must contain a JSON object with the required field devicetype.

In some Rest clients it is mandatory to put ‘http://’ in front of the IP address of the gateway.

… something went wrong!

The returned HTTP status is 403 Forbidden. The response body provides further information about the raised error in the JSON object.

Unlock the gateway¶

The reason why the request failed is that the gateway was not unlocked. This mechanism is needed to prevent anybody from access to the gateway without being permitted to do so.

As described in the section Authorization unlock the gateway as follows:

  • In a new browser tab open the Phoscon App
  • Click on Menu → Settings → Gateway
  • Click on “Advanced” button
  • Click on the “Authenticate app” button

See: Phoscon App — Advanced Gateway Settings

Now the gateway is unlocked for 60 seconds.

Second attempt¶

Within 60 seconds after unlocking the gateway, go back to the REST client and repeat the acquire API key request as before. (just click on Send again) Torrent autocad 2013 for mac os.

This time the request succeded with HTTP status 200 OK.

In the response body the new API key is in the field username. From now on this API key will be used in further API requests.

Rest Api Tester Macos

Get a list of all lights¶

Seagate backup plus software download mac. With the API key from the last section it is now possible to access the full API.


To get a list of all available lights run a GET request to /api/<apikey>/lights as follows.

In the response 3 lights where returned. There are serval things to note here.

  • The response contains not a list like [ ] of lights but a object { } with key/value pairs
  • Each light can be accessed by its id '17'
  • The light id is a key in the response object and the related value is a further object


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Office for mac product keys. Ids are strings and even if they contain numbers never expect them to be “1”, “2”, “3”, … if the user removes light “2” the list will become “1”, “3”.


Get the details of a light¶

To get the detail of a light do a GET request to /api/<apikey>/lights/<id> as follows.

Turn light on/off¶

To turn a light on/off do a PUT request to /api/<apikey>/lights/<id>/state as follows.

In the request body set the on value to true or false to turn the light on and off.

Dim the light with transition time¶

Dimming is done the same way as sending on/off by using the bri parameter; additionally specify a transition time in 1/10 seconds.

The following example dims the light in 5 seconds down.

What’s next¶

To do some more advanced things with this API please refer to the API Endpoints documentation on the left side menu.

Customize and automate your workflows so you can focus on creating great apps. This standards-based REST API lets you automate tasks across developer tools, such as App Store Connect, Xcode, and Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles, to give you greater flexibility and increased efficiency in your workflows. Use it for development, beta testing, managing app metadata, reporting, and more.

App Management

Create new versions of your app, set up pre-orders, manage phased releases for version updates, and submit your app to App Review.

Pricing and Availability

Set your app’s pricing and territory availability. Access reference information, such as a list of available App Store territories, app price tiers, and proceeds for currencies that the App Store supports.


Streamline app development by managing bundle IDs, signing certificates, development devices, and provisioning profiles.


Manage beta testing by automating tester management and build distribution. You can add and remove testers, manage tester groups, assign builds to testers, submit builds for beta app review, and more.

Users and Roles

Integrate your Apple Developer Program team membership with your organization’s internal directory to automate tasks associated with team management. For example, you can automatically revoke access to App Store Connect when a user leaves your organization.

App Metadata

Build and maintain your App Store product page by uploading and managing assets, such as your app description, screenshots, and app previews.

Power and Performance

Download power and performance metrics and diagnostics logs to monitor app performance indicators, such as launch time, hang rate, disk writes, memory use, and battery life. This information is also available in Xcode.

Rest Api Tool For Mac

To learn more about this data, see Improving Your App’s Performance.


Sales and Trends

Download reports to view the number of first-time downloads, sales, proceeds, pre-orders, subscriptions activity, and more for your apps on all Apple platforms.

To learn more about Sales and Trends, see App Store Connect Help.

Payments and Financial Reports

Download monthly reports about your earnings by product, territory, currency, price, and more. You can see how much was paid each month and any adjustments or withholding taxes that have been applied.

To learn more about Payments and Financial Reports, see App Store Connect Help.

Rest Api Tool For Mac Shortcut

Request Access

Rest Api Tool For Macbook

To request access, visit the Keys tab in the Users and Access section of App Store Connect. Please note that you must be the Account Holder of your Apple Developer Program membership.