Twitterfuautomatic Tweets For Your Shop

Good tweets are super easy when you have a great resource to get your ideas flowing! Most of my posts are just so I have my research handy to use wherever I amthis one is no exception. I spend A LOT of time crafting tweets (and blog post titles) that I think will be “tweetable” or “sharable”. This is a website that helps Twitter marketers find relevant tweets to be automatically retweeted to all their followers. The tool automatically retweets tweets based on the used hashtags and mentions. To set up the tool, you should begin by creating a list of the accounts you wish to retweet. Tools such as ManageFilter can help you with this. You join with a free account and Twitter name. Then you send broadcasts (tweets) daily, hourly, or as frequently as you like. Go to the What's Happening box next to your profile image, type 280 or fewer characters, and click Tweet. People who follow you, and potentially others who don't, will see your tweet. 23 Hilarious Coronavirus Lockdown Tweets That Show We Haven't Lost Our Sense Of Humour Yet 'Me getting escorted back from the corner shop after nipping our for a twix and a can of vimto.'

Looking for good tweet examples for your Twitter marketing? Good tweets are super easy when you have a great resource to get your ideas flowing!


Most of my posts are just so I have my research handy to use wherever I am…this one is no exception. I spend A LOT of time crafting tweets (and blog post titles) that I think will be “tweetable” or “sharable”. This list is what I use to get the creative juices flowing.

if you are an author of one of these tweets and would like it taken down, please just let me know…if you have a great tweet example that I have not included, please leave a comment and I will review it for inclusion!

Using Unique Characters

  • T.W.I.T.T.E.R = Tweet With Integrity To Then Earn Respect. – Milana Ryan (@PfPioneer10m)
  • •• Wanted — Ambitious – Hard Working Individuals! ••>>> (@Davy_robot)
  • This. Is concerning. … #radioactive (@JimDuncan)
  • If It Fits, I Sits: A Supercut Of Animals Sitting In Small Spaces (VIDEO) via @HuffPostComedy (@JodyZimmerman)
  • [Denver Weather] Your Weekend Forecast For Denver, CO (80247) (@DENSmallBiz)
  • $CRMwow! Shorts be scrambling. Maybe wait a bit now to start a new position. (@jimcramer)
  • TAKE NO MORE @Seb_Kirby ★★★★★ review ‘NEVER would have guessed who the culprit was.’ Pls RT #BYNR (@Seb_Kirby)

Free Offers

  • #helpeve ASK QUESTIONS. GET ANSWERS. give a little, get a little. Its free. (@projecteve)
  • 50 Free Fonts, Part 1 (@terrinakamura)
  • [REPORT] Strategy checklist, how to organize your business for social & more from @wildfireapp. #WFbyGoogle (@wildfireapp)
  • Free White Paper: 50 Best Practices to Go Beyond Landing Pages. Get your free 25-page guide today! (@ioninteractive)
  • Did you get your free P&G coupon book yet? If not, get it here: (@drugstoredivas)
  • Hey guys, we've prepared something for you.!fankit-twheaders … ← Click the link and download FREE #topeleven headers for your profile! (@topeleven)

Intriguing Posts That Are Hard Not To Click

  • How One Brand Switched A Million URLs & Lived To Tell About It: 5 Questions With @HomeAdvisor (@sengineland)
  • Can a single word make your subject line more effective? (@effectiveemail)
  • The Change in Quality Score Reporting: What REALLY Happened? | WordStream … (@WordStream)
  • (So gosh darn amazing!) London Panorama Drawing – the view from the Shard: #creativity (@avinash)
  • If you aren't using the new Facebook Ads reporting, you're missing out. A huge improvement from the previous version (@glenngabe)
  • This Louisville #startup @collabramusic may have found the missing piece in music collaboration (@startuptechguy)
  • The cure for hating the gym is this!! #Health #Fitness #fitnessKit #physicalHealth #music #musculartraining (@hipmomjulie)
  • SEO Tactics You Think Are OK, but Are Really Just Spam (@mayrabor)
  • Just warning you… this book has real life dialog. The characters drop the F-bomb on occasion 🙂 COWBOY TAKE ME AWAY (@PenelopeChilds)
  • Why Kendall Jenner Is the Hottest Kardashian. These hot pictures are proof. #2 is out of control!! (@high_on_glitter)


  • 2 Chainz arrested following a nine-hour standoff over tour bus access: Rapper and his entourage refused t… #TBR (@TrueBornRecords)

How Tos

  • How I got published on Amazon! (@toyourhappiness)
  • Tying the knot doesn't have to cost a fortune. See how this #bride saved over $20K on her #wedding: (@davidsbridal)
  • Learn the differences between a chipotle and an ancho with this video from America's Test Kitchen: (@lifehacker)

Using Numbers

  • The Day the Knowledge Graph Exploded (+50.4%) by @dr_pete (@Moz)
  • Drive traffic with Pinterest. It is exploding. Watch this 7 minute tutorial (@PowerLineTrain)
  • 13 Tweets a Real Estate Agent Should Have Answered, Not Me … real estate peeps PAY ATTENTION, pass on! (@garyvee)
  • 10 Powerful “Before” And “After” Pictures Of Rescued Animals (@BuzzFeed)

Examples… One of my best number posts 100 Ways To Make Money Online From Home!

Asking Questions

  • 6 questions about ads in the gmail tabbed inbox. What's your opinion? (@wise_laura)
  • What The Heck Is AdWords Quality Score And Why Does It Matter Anyway? (@WordStream)
  • A new trend for online retailers? The New J.Crew Catalog Is a Pinterest Page #trnews (@toprank)
  • Are You Really Going to Wear That? Learn more about dressing for the casual workplace in my new book. (@BarbaraPachter)
  • Can Groupon win back small businesses? (@OPENForum)
  • What do you think of Rihanna's mullet? (@BritishVogue)

Funny Or Clever Posts

  • Do you think Ninja's sneak up on their family members just for fun? #FunThoughts #MyBrain (@JohnLusher23)
  • Don’t be such a potty mouth! Introducing @virgintrains magic new talking toilets (honestly!) (@richardbranson)
  • Bam-BOOO: More Bad Press for Pandas … (@abeautyfeature)
  • I'm becoming convinced that the more hashtags a person uses, the less money that person makes… (‏@Chris_Smth)

Number Posts

  • “Your idea is probably not new.” 5 lessons every startup founder should learn: (@FastCompany)
  • Fun fact. MT @RecallElections #Filner is the 11th official nationwide to resign in the face of a recall this year. (@LisaHalverstadt)
  • 7 Ways to Wow Prospects on Social Media Research & examples #socialmedia #smchat #some (@heidicohen)
  • 8 Common Grammar Mistakes You Should Never Make Again (@brianmoran)

Capitalizing On A Current Event Or Trending Topic

  • Small Business: Do You Have A Dream? #smbiz #usguys #mlk (@heidicohen)
  • The wagging tongue according to dream analysis. 4 Subliminal Symbols You Missed in Miley Cyrus's VMA Show – (@cracked)
  • THREE DAY WEEKEND IMMINENT 15 Awesome Things to Do in Dallas this Labor Day Weekend, August 29 to September 2 …(‏@Dallas_Observer)
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. ’s Most Tweeted Quotes In 2013 #twitter … (@tweetynerds)
  • Nike ‘Get Drenched' NFL Jerseys (PHOTOS) #Nike #NFL (‏@TDdaily)
  • 12 Reliable Sources to Follow on Twitter for #Syria News (@mashable)
  • How To Get Back Into A Healthy School Routine (@familyfocusblog)
  • Reduce acne, prevent future breakouts & #battleblemishes as you head #backtoschool with Natural Acne Solutions. (@BurtsBees)

Hospitality Posts

  • “30 years of marital bliss, celebrated at the Bistro bar” Thanks John and Chris for celebrating with us! – and… (@beachbistro)

Professional Services – Dentists

  • If #celebrities are #wearing #Braces , why shouldn't you? (‏@cyberdentistry)
  • So U know when u get home and see green veggie stuff stuck in ur teeth and wanna curse everybody that didn't tell u (‏@tyrabanks)
  • Miley Cyrus had braces the whole time they filmed Hannah Montana. They were glued to the back of her teeth so we couldn't see them. (@Fact)
  • 19 Ways to Wreck Your Teeth. Be good to your teeth, and they'll be good to you. Avoid these known teeth wreckers! ‏(@MIHealth)
  • Throughout its lifetime, an elephant goes through six sets of teeth. The elephant starves to death once the sixth set of teeth falls out. (‏@OMGFactsAnimals)
  • You are like dentures, because I could not smile without you ~~ @notseongyeol (@fakepcho91)
  • #FACTS The acid in Coca Cola is called phosphoric acid which is known to dissolve teeth, metal N it can eat away your liver. (@incarceratedbob)
  • Drinking beer actually helps strengthen your bones and teeth because it gives you a healthy dose of silicon. (@UberFacts)
Twitterfuautomatic Tweets For Your Shop

Professional Services – Financial

  • “I can't believe this financial advisor – who moonlights as a wedding singer – would rip me off!” (@ReformedBroker)
  • Is a ‘Practical' College Major Necessary to Make a Living? – MainStreet (@jimcramer)
  • How to take control of your #debt … #Best advice for #family #financial #success (@PrepareToWin)
  • Become a negotiating pro with Dave's quick tips: … (@RamseyShow)
  • Why SMU never recovered from its scandal and Penn State likely will by @davidwhitford (@FortuneMagazine)
  • Murdoch divorce on front page of NYTs? Or not? What's your vote? (@serwer)
  • 43% of Americans pay zero federal income tax. (@Jonnelle)
  • The startling statistic behind America's top 25 highest-paid CEOs (@MarketWatch)
  • In an attempt to not look cheap, this generation of Americans is going broke (@daily_finance)

Health and Beauty

  • Gatsy-inspired hair by Dez at Hair Therapy for Women! #TBBJBWOTY (@MereCensullo)
  • Holy heart stopping coat love batman: #wishlist (@TheCut)
  • YOU WILL READ THIS HILARITY NOW: Madonna’s Diet Is the Hardest I Have Ever Tried – The Cut … (@TheHanBurger)

Sales Tweets For Twitter Marketing

  • Shoe Carnival Back To School Sale – BOGO50% OFF + $5 Coupon! Divine Savings – (@DivineSavings)
  • Oh man… I want this!! The new Wacom Cintiq Hybrid tablet: … (@baekdal1h)

Personal Recommendations

  • I recommend this for ANY business that lists #SEO among their top marketing goals: (@RachelStrella)
  • Wait! You're on Instagram and you aren't following me? Then how the heck are you keeping up on all my adventures? Just do it, it's a total of, what, two mouse clicks? (@DaveTaylor)
  • I don't know how I ever lived without these life tips. Never get a mosquito bite again! (@relatabIemsgs)

Using “Big Names”

  • Going #Green with #Emeril Lagasse (@denverfoodguy)
  • *chef gordon ramsay leans in and whispers in your ear* today im going to show you how to prepare my world famous Vienna Sausage Sushi Rolls (‏@rad_milk)
  • Quite a remarkable story on Seattle's Seahawks: … embracing empathy & being the exception (@randfish)

Good Tweets For Realtors

Twitterfuautomatic Tweets For Your Shopify

  • Your clients will appreciate these 10 tips to spruce up their outdoor space, from @realtormag: (Go ahead and RT!) (@REALTORS)
  • Commercial Investments Rise 24% in First Half of 2013: … #CRE (@NAR_Research)
  • 7 Luxury Homes for Sale in Bearpath Golf and Country Club in Eden Prairie, MN Great course and club too! (@Agentopolis)
  • 20 Amazing Kitchens, Each One Is Dream Home Worthy (PHOTOS) … (@Christophechoo)
  • Photo: Hard not to love all the sunlight in this home office loft near Boston!… (@ColinStorm)


You should leave room for retweeting. What you need to do is count the numbers in your Twitter name (@taradactyl has 10 characters), then you want to add 4 for the “RT, a space and then the @ sign before your name). So my posts should never be longer than 126 (140 available MINUS the 14 for the retweet characters).

100 Great Twitter Tweet Examples is a compilation of good tweets that I have seen across the Twitterverse. I tried to make them relevant to all industries but KNOW that there are more Twitter marketing tweets than anything else…that happens, I am a marketing gal through and through!

Additional Copywriting Resources:

I LOVE Funnel Scripts for all my copywriting. Makes it so fast and easy! (#promo)

Twitter AUTOMATIC Retweets/Favorites

We want to inform you some interesting unique new automatic services which we implemented..

We have Automatic Instant Twitter Retweets and Favorites system.
Once you buy monthly or yearly subscription we add your Twitter profile to our automatic Retweets and Favorites server.
This will send you Retweets and Favorites whenever you post tweets.
100% automatic process.No need to inform us daily.
This will save your time and money also..

Twitter Retweets and Favorites subscription:
This is number of Retweets and Favorites buy method.
ex: you can order 500 Retweets and Favorites to each tweets upto 200 tweets.
Once you buy this subscription, we will send you 500 Retweets and Favorites to your new tweets automatically upto 200 tweets.
After 200 tweets subscription will expire.


Twitterfuautomatic Tweets For Your Shopping

Better tell your budget size and how many Retweets and Favorites you expect on each tweets?.
Based on that we make subscription.

How to buy?
First CONTACT US / Chat with us and explain your requirements then we will send you good monthly subscription plan and proceed further steps.